Monday, January 30, 2012

Hunger Games Chapter 6

This is the link to Grooveshark:

Search: Hunger Games Disk 2

(listen to Disk 2 track 13 for Chapter 6)

To better prepare you for your quiz tomorrow, focus on the following while reading Chapter 6:

1.  Focus on Effie Trinket and Haymitch's duties.  What are they supposed to be doing for Katniss and Peeta?

2.  Be able to understand how Katniss' room is 'futuristic'.  What is the shower like? How does it work? What can her closet do?

3.  Make sure you know what an avox is and how Katniss knows the avox with the red hair. Why would this girl be angry with Katniss?

4.  Know how Katniss and Peeta holding hands can be seen as 'rebellion'.

5.  Take note of how Peeta reacts when Katniss tells him about his father visiting her before the games.